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A. A. Hodge composed Outlines of Theology for his congregation—making the tone of this succinct systematic theology more pastoral than dogmatic. Hodge credits his father’s theological wisdom, and acknowledges that conversations with his father, as well as material from his father’s sermons and lectures, has made its way into Outlines of Theology. This outline began as a series of popular lectures...

of God to man by the death of his Son. Satisfaction expresses the relation which the work of Christ sustains to the demands of God’s law and justice. 3. Wherein does the satisfaction rendered by Christ consist? By the conditions of the covenant of grace, Christ assumes precisely the place and all the obligations of his people, under the broken and unsatisfied covenant of works. These obligations were evidently, 1st, perfect obedience as the condition of reward; and, 2d, the penalty of death incurred
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